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Countries share their experience in the South-South Cooperation project between FAO, China and CELAC
Webinar: Chinese experience on digitalization of rural areas: a reference for LAC
Guofu Feng - Digitalization of agriculture in China, challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
Exploring the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on developing countries
Strengthening of School Feeding Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean (short version)
FDI and Investment Promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Celebration of the UN Day for South-South Cooperation 2017 - HLC on South-South Cooperation
Agricultura en China: Contribuciones a la seguridad alimentaria global
The challenges of cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean in the new global context
Reflections on the future of wheat research for impact in the Global South!
How Eating Millet Could Change India's Health Forever! ft. @NitishRajput
Launch of the report: The recovery paradox in Latin America a the Caribbean (English version)